Meet Amy

Life Coach




I married my farmer 29 years ago and we have been farming side by side ever since. Farming life was different then growing up in our small town however, I love being outside and taking care of the land and watching the fruit of our labors grow. As our family grew to four kids I found myself becoming easily overwhelmed with trying to keep up with working in the fields, bookwork, running kids to activities, laundry, dishes and keeping the house clean. I mean the house should look like a Better Homes and Garden house right! No clutter, everything in its place, no dust, clean floors, perfectly decorated and the list goes on and on. I was so busy trying to keep up I lost myself and what I truly wanted for my life. At one point my husband told me " Stop. Or you're going to kill yourself." He was right. I was exhausted from trying to do all the things I was overweight from eating because I would turn to food for comfort and avoid feeling emotions. Fast forward a few years and enter in life coaching. What started out for me as a weight loss journey turned into so much more for me. I have lost 65 pounds, my relationship with my husband, which I thought couldn't get any better than what it was, is better than ever, I have found my self confidence and love my life and myself right where I'm at knowing this is where I'm supposed to be. I decided to become a certified life coach to help others achieve their goals in life whatever those goals may be.

Not your typical blues jeans and boots kind of farmer!
Our Lab Jäger Meister
My Farmer